KalGold explores green pastures near Lighthorse gold play 17/02/2025
KalGold fast-tracks drilling at high-grade WA gold discovery 13/02/2025
KalGold charges ahead with high-grade WA Lighthorse gold discovery 07/02/2025
KalGold Strikes Gold at Pinjin: Lighthorse Discovery Spurs Excitement 07/02/2025
KalGold hits 3.66g/t gold in blind drilling at WA Pinjin project 18/12/2024
KalGold fills in gap with strategic gold tenement pickup 06/12/2024
Kalgoorlie Gold set to hammer WA targets near Laverton 21/11/2024
KalGold drills two new targets at WA Goldfields Project 11/10/2024
KalGold drilling picks up thick WA gold at Wessex project 10/10/2024
KalGold kicks off Pinjin geophyics to find more WA gold 28/09/2024
KalGold completes drilling to expand Pinjin gold targets 06/09/2024
KalGold kicks off probe on thick WA gold hits 16/08/2024
KalGold delivers maiden gold resource near Kalgoorlie 25/07/2024
KalGold poised to build on high-grade WA gold hits 10/07/2024
Pinjin delivers thick shallow gold hits for KalGold 23/05/2024
KalGold set to spin drill rods in Pinjin gold hunt 03/04/2024
Kalgoorlie Gold Mining boosts resource estimate prospects at Kirgella Gift with new key zones 15/03/2024
Kalgold hits Rebecca-style paydirt at Kirgella Gift 15/03/2024
KalGold uncovers high-grade oxide gold zones at Pinjin 15/03/2024
New gold territory glistens for KalGold near Kalgoorlie 14/12/2023
KalGold hits shallow gold in Providence drilling 07/12/2023
KalGold fast-tracks drilling in hunt for Pinjin gold 15/11/2023
KalGold adds more ground to Pinjin gold project 08/11/2023
KalGold hails early drilling success in Goldfields 25/10/2023
KalGold out to match historic Eastern Goldfields finds 07/09/2023
Heritage clearance gives KalGold green light at Pinjin 29/08/2023
KalGold spots outcropping gold at Perrinvale 06/07/2023
KalGold eyes 6.8km gold corridor at Zelica project 22/06/2023
KalGold hits first-run gold at Kirgella Gift target 08/06/2023
Kalgoorlie Gold says new Pinjin deal could be a company-maker 01/06/2023
KalGold hunts “significant discovery” after land grab 23/05/2023
KalGold hunts “significant discovery” after land grab 23/05/2023
Who sits in the top tier of Australian gold producers? 27/03/2023
KalGold reveals maiden resource at key Kalgoorlie gold deposit 07/03/2023
La Mascotte Gold Deposit: First JORC (2012) Mineral Resource Of 138,000 oz Au 07/03/2023
Kalgoorlie Gold unveils more WA gold, lithium 23/02/2023
Kalgold expands mineralisation depth at Goldfields prospect 20/01/2023
KalGold eyes fresh WA probe after heritage survey 10/11/2022
KalGold sampling tests gold, lithium at Goldfields project 09/11/2022
KalGold to drill test 3 Goldfields targets 18/10/2022
KalGold set to inspect WA prospect after historical review 01/09/2022
Kalgoorlie Gold Mining’s Riches Lie Close to Home 15/06/2022
Kal Gold targets new depths at La Mascotte discovery 09/06/2022
Strong results spur further expansion for KalGold 27/05/2022
KalGold commences maiden diamond drilling program 18/03/2022
KalGold lines up drill targets in under-explored WA tenure 13/01/2022
Record gold investment drives Australia's booming mineral exploration sector 10/12/2021